
Extended Learning

Extended learning is an opportunity for the student to close remaining or persistent knowledge gaps through additional tutoring, assignments, and/or other learning modalities at a time outside normal program hours. This typically occurs during the breaks between quarters in the didactic phase or at the discretion of the Assistant Director of Clinical Education during the clinical phase. A reassessment exam takes place at the conclusion of Extended Learning. Student transcripts will reflect an “Incomplete” for the course until the Extended Learning is successfully completed. The grade will then be changed to reflect the accomplishment. Students will be encouraged to meet with their faculty advisors if they fail a reassessment exam. The faculty advisor, tutor(s), and/or the course instructors, will work with the student to help them identify and address their area(s) of weakness. During the didactic phase, students are required to enroll in extended learning if they fail a course. Grading for each course is outlined in the syllabus and in this handbook under “Grading System.” A student may remediate only one course through extended learning during the didactic phase. Failure to pass Extended Learning or a second failed course after successful completion of Extended Learning will result in academic dismissal from the School.  Please refer to Appendix F for an infographic outlining the academic progression policy.

During the clinical phase, a student who fails a 3rd end-of-rotation (EOR) exam in any discipline will have failed the course/rotation and a Level II SPC meeting will be scheduled to determine an action plan.  The action plan will include the requirement to enroll in extended learning and reassess and may include other action items as determined by the SPC committee. Failure to pass Extended Learning or failing a 4th EOR exam in any discipline will result in a level III SPC meeting and possible academic dismissal from the School. A student entering the clinical phase on Academic Warning will be required to complete Extended Learning after the 2nd failed end-of-rotation exam (See Appendix E). A student may remediate only one course/rotation through extended learning during the clinical phase.

Repeat examinations or other tutoring sessions may occur at times and places that are known throughout the student body, which may allow classmates to surmise one’s particular academic standing by virtue of attendance at these examinations or tutoring sessions. The fact that students may deduce this information about another student is not a violation of their rights under the Federal Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) by the faculty, staff, or administrators of the Marshall B. Ketchum University School of Physician Assistant Studies.

Didactic Courses

Refer to specific course syllabi for details regarding required course assessments, assignments, and grading.

Written Didactic Course Reassessment

Any student scoring less than 80% on the written module exam in any didactic course will be offered optional enrollment in the tutoring program and must return on Monday for reassessment or on a day set forth by the course instructor. If the student scores less than 80% for the reassessment, they will have failed the course and will be enrolled in the next extended learning sequence.

During the didactic phase, a student is eligible to take a reassessment exam in a maximum of three (3) courses.  Group exam points earned may be used to pass an exam a maximum of three (3) times. Mandatory peer tutoring will be initiated when group points are used to pass a third exam. All interprofessional education courses (IPE courses) and Evidence-Based Practice course will not count towards the maximum of three (3) reassessments. Any student who fails a 4th exam may not take a reassessment exam and will be enrolled in extended learning. The student will receive an “incomplete” in the course until extended learning is passed at which time the grade will be changed to FP or F to reflect the accomplishment. A student who does not successfully pass extended learning will be dismissed from the program.

Clinical Skills Reassessment (Patient Assessment Skills)

Any student scoring less than 80% for Clinical Skills assessment during a course must return on Monday or on a day determined by the course instructor (or their designee) for the reassessment of the clinical skills. If the student scores less than 80% for the reassessment, they will have failed the course and will be enrolled in the next extended learning sequence. A student who “passes with concern” should meet with the faculty proctor to discuss and remediate the concern.

During the didactic phase, a student is eligible to take a Clinical Skills reassessment in a maximum of three (3) courses. Any student who fails Clinical Skills assessments in a 4th course, may not reassess the skills assessment and will be enrolled in extended learning. The student will receive an “incomplete” in the course until extended learning is passed and the grade will be changed to reflect the accomplishment (FP or F).

Other Reassessments (Anatomy, Clinical Procedures, Other)

In addition to written course assessments and clinical skills assessments, didactic courses often have additional exams such as anatomy and clinical procedures. These assessments must also be passed with an 80% or greater. Any student scoring less than 80% will be required to remediate the content or skill and reassess at a time designated by the course instructor or their designee. The method and format of the reassessment will be at the discretion of the course instructor. Any student scoring less than 80% on the reassessment will receive an Incomplete on their transcript for the course until the reassessment exam is successfully passed.

Clinical Phase Reassessments

End-of-Rotation Exams

There are End-of-Rotation exams that typically occur every six weeks during the clinical phase. Students must “Pass” each exam with a score of 385 or higher to progress to the next clinical rotation. This score typically equates to about 70%. Any student scoring less than 385 will receive an “Incomplete” for the rotation and be required to complete a remediation assignment. If a student fails two End-of-Rotation exams, a Level I Student Progress Committee meeting will be convened, and an action plan will be developed. If a student fails three End-of-Rotation exams, the student will have failed the rotation/course and a Level II Student Progress Committee meeting will be convened. The student will be required to enroll in Extended Learning and must successfully pass the reassessment exam to pass the rotation/course. Failure of a 4th End-of-Rotation exam will result in a Level III SPC meeting and possible dismissal from the school. Academic progression and timing of required extended learning looks different for students entering the clinical phase on academic warning. Refer to Appendix E for a summary of clinical course remediation.

Patient Logs

Students are required to log all clinical encounters within seven days of the patient encounter. These logs are reviewed and evaluated by the clinical team. Data points evaluated include the sufficiency of patient encounters, range of patient demographics (patient race, age, gender, ethnicity, etc.), clinical setting (acute, chronic, preventative, outpatient, inpatient, peri-operative, etc.), and level of student participation. Any student falling outside of the acceptable range for any of the data points assessed may be required to remediate with additional patient encounters at a time designated by the Assistant Director of Clinical Education or their designee. Any student who does not successfully complete the remediation will receive an Incomplete on their transcript for the course until the remediation is successfully completed.

Competency Logs

Students are required to complete competency logs throughout their clinical phase. The log contains skills and procedures that students are expected to competently demonstrate prior to graduation. A preceptor or their designee must directly observe the student performing the skill and sign off, indicating student competency for each skill or procedure. Students are required to submit their competency logs to the clinical team on each callback day and are encouraged to take photos of their logs on a regular basis for their records. The competency log is reviewed by the clinical team for appropriate progression. If necessary, the clinical faculty will provide additional opportunities for students to demonstrate competencies. If a student is unable to demonstrate competence in any skill or procedure, remediation and reassessment will be required.

Time to Complete Courses

Students are required to complete the didactic and clinical curriculum within 40 months from their start date (150% program length). Students with extenuating circumstances may petition the School Director for consideration of longer timeframes.