Grading System

To successfully complete the School of PA Studies and graduate, a student must complete and pass each course, clinical rotation, Master's Capstone Project, and summative evaluation. SPAS monitors student performance and progress on an ongoing basis. For additional information, refer to the Grading policies located in the University Catalog.

  1. The following is the grading scale for all didactic-phase courses in the School of Physician Assistant Studies:
    Grade Description
    P Pass (> 80%)
    F Fail (< 80%)
    I Incomplete (for course/rotation with incomplete course work)
    FP Failed then Passed (used when a student passes the course using extended learning).
    IP In Progress (may be used for courses that span multiple quarters). The instructor outlines the evaluation and grading process in the course syllabus.

    * Clinical-phase grading differs from the didactic phase. Please refer to each clinical and didactic syllabus for the specific passing criteria for each didactic or clinical course or rotation. Appendix E also summarizes clinical phase end-of-rotation exam grading and remediation.

  1. Any student receiving a “Fail” in any course or clinical rotation, will have a Student Progress Committee Meeting for review. For didactic phase courses, each student is permitted up to three opportunities to reassess a failed exam if needed and up to three opportunities to reassess a failed patient assessment/skills exam. A failed didactic exam constitutes a failed course if the student has no remaining opportunities for reassessment. A failed reassessment exam also constitutes a failed course.  Some didactic courses, such as Evidence-Based Practice, are graded differently. Refer to each course syllabus for grading details.  For clinical-phase courses, please refer to each clinical syllabus as well as Appendix E for information defining a failed clinical course or rotation.
  2. Any unexcused absences in a course may impact the course grade and/or result in a professional performance review. Any unexcused absence from a clinical skills session may result in a “Fail” grade for that skill.
  3. A student who fails to complete all required coursework in a timely manner receives an incomplete or a failing grade for the course at the discretion of the course instructor.