Blood Borne Pathogens Exposure

An accidental puncture injury, mucous membrane or non-intact skin exposure to blood/body fluids should be considered potentially infectious, regardless of the source. In the event of an accidental exposure to blood/body fluid, the site should immediately and thoroughly be washed with soap and water, or the eye/mucous membrane with water or saline.

If a student has an incident that involves exposure to blood-borne pathogens or other concerning substances, the student must notify the preceptor and the Asst Director of Clinical Education (or other SPAS Clinical faculty) with details of the incident. Students must follow the site protocols for risk management and post-exposure protocols specific to the facility. The student may be asked to send documentation as requested by the University.  Costs of post-exposure testing and treatment may be covered under the MBKU Workers Compensation policy.

During School hours, the student must report the exposure to a member of the clinical team by calling the PA office: (714) 872-5682. Outside of School hours call the Clinical Team's cellular phone number: (714) 872-5735.

A student who has experienced an exposure should immediately assess the level of risk for transmission of blood borne pathogens. If exposure is considered high risk for transmission of HIV or Hepatitis, the student should immediately (within two (2) hours) be evaluated at a hospital emergency room. Important: High-risk exposure requires immediate post-exposure prophylaxis treatment. Do not delay in seeking advice.