Summative Evaluation

In addition to successfully completing all academic and clinical requirements of the PA program, the student must pass a comprehensive evaluation referred to as a Summative Evaluation to be eligible for graduation from the School. The Summative Evaluation takes place within the final four months of the program and provides an objective assessment of the student’s knowledge base and clinical competence that is required for passing the PANCE and successfully practicing as a PA (See Appendix A). The specific grading scale and information are outlined in the PAS 611A Graduate Seminar IIA and PAS 611B Graduate Seminar IIB course syllabus. The evaluation is comprised of a variety of evaluations and areas as follows:

Objective Structured Clinical Exams (OSCEs)

OSCEs are designed to evaluate student medical knowledge and the analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and application to clinical scenarios, and to evaluate patient-care skills and professionalism. Each student must successfully complete and pass the objective standardized patient examination (OSCE) which includes a range of patient ages, complaints, and acuity. During this evaluation, the students must complete specific stations that evaluate a broad range of skills and competencies required for entry into clinical practice, such as patient education and counseling, lab interpretation, diagnostic imaging interpretation, and more. The OSCE also evaluates the student's ability to take a history with mastery of a patient-centered interview, perform a safe, accurate, and appropriate physical examination, formulate a differential diagnosis, formulate the most likely diagnosis, and determine an initial treatment plan. Students who fail this part of their summative evaluation will be remediated and re-examined. Students must pass this evaluation on their second attempt, or they will be referred to SPC for appropriate action and remediation. In these circumstances, graduation may be delayed. If the student remains unable to pass this aspect of their evaluation after recommended remediation they may be dismissed from the Program.

Comprehensive Summative Exam

This summative exam will be a multiple-choice exam of questions encompassing all areas of medicine. The PACKRAT exam will not be used for the summative exam. Each student must successfully pass this comprehensive written exam to graduate from the PA program. Students who fail this part of their summative evaluation will fail the Graduate Seminar II course and be referred to the SPC committee for a remediation plan. The student will remediate and be reexamined.  Graduation may be delayed. If the student does not pass on the second attempt, they will be referred back to the SPC committee for review and may be dismissed from the Program.

Master's Capstone Project

All students must complete the Master's Capstone Project. Successful completion of the Master's Capstone Project requirement demonstrates the student's ability to evaluate the literature, analyze research methodology and outcomes, formulate a conclusion, and summarize the strengths and weaknesses of their project. Students who do not pass the Masters Capstone Project requirement will be remediated by their project advisor and/or principal faculty and improvements to the project will be evaluated in the same manner. Graduation may be delayed. If a student does not make the required modifications that would be consistent with a passing score, then the student may be dismissed from the program.