Exam Policy and Procedures


Students are assessed every one to three weeks during the didactic phase of the curriculum and every six weeks during the clinical phase. Students are responsible for downloading the exam the evening prior to the scheduled exam as applicable. Students are not assigned letter grades in the curriculum but are instead assigned either a “pass” or “fail” based on achievement of 80% of stated competencies. Students who do not achieve the necessary level of competence may be offered enrollment in the tutoring program and are given opportunities for reassessment and extended learning when necessary. During the didactic phase, reassessment opportunities follow each assessment and Extended Learning sessions typically occur during the quarter breaks. Passing criteria in the clinical phase differs from the didactic phase and is outlined in each clinical syllabus.  Remediation and/or reassessment opportunities are provided according to the academic progression policies. Please refer to Appendix E for a summary of the clinical phase end-of-rotation (EOR) exam performance and remediation requirements.

Group Assessment

During the didactic phase, participation in the group assessment is mandatory. After completing the individual exam students will meet their group in their designated group testing location. The group leader will be the only student permitted to have their computer in the group exam, and all other students must store their computer in a locker or vehicle prior to entering the group exam. It will be the group leader’s responsibility to download the group exam the evening prior to the exam. All group members must be present prior to starting the group exam. Once the exam has officially begun the students may discuss their individual exams.

Students will receive additional points added to their individual assessment score in the amount of 3% of the total points if the group assessment score is at least 95%. If the team score is less than 95%, no additional points will be credited to the students on that team. Any dispute regarding a student’s entitlement to additional points as a result of the group assessment will be settled by the Director of Didactic Education (or their designee), whose decision shall be final. A group assessment will not be available during reassessment or extended learning sessions, or for students who must take an exam early or late, and as a result, no additional 3% will be added to the student's grade.

Time Allotted

The length and complexity of the assessment should be such that the majority of students will complete the assessment within the designated time frame set by the Director of Didactic Education. On occasion, the testing time frame may be extended due to the complexity of the assessment. The time allotted for the assessment may be extended by the Director of Didactic Education or their designee on a case-by-case basis.

Assessment Review

An assessment review will take place at a pre-designated time following the group assessment. Attendance is mandatory for any student who did not pass the assessment. The assessment review is an opportunity for the course instructor to review the exam with students in order to provide insight and, if needed, clarification. Typically, the most frequently missed questions are reviewed in addition to others that may have been challenging. All students, regardless of their assessment score, are welcome and encouraged to attend the assessment review. Faculty will not entertain requests for additional credit for any reason other than errors in scoring. Students are not permitted to have computers, cell phones, paper, or other recording materials and devices in their possession during assessment reviews.

Any student may review their individual assessment in the PA offices within three business days of the assessment by making a request to the Director of Didactic Education or the course instructor. After this time, individual assessments may not be reviewed.

Following the assessment review, the course instructor (or their designee) will meet with the student(s) requiring reassessment to answer questions, discuss the reassessment format, and confirm the time/date/location for reassessment.  The course instructor will also help guide the student’s studying and provide them with a copy of their individual exam for review. Individual exams may not be removed from the PA offices and must be returned to the appropriate person after review. Reassessment exams are given the Monday following an exam or on a day set forth by the course instructor.

Instructor Responsibilities

  1. It is the responsibility of the course instructor to outline the evaluation process and attendance requirements in the course syllabus.
  2. Exam scores are confidential and are not publicly posted.
  3. The instructor will be available to meet with students during office hours or by appointment.
  4. The instructor will promptly inform a student’s academic advisor if the student’s performance is less than satisfactory at any time during the course.
  5. The course instructor (or their designee) is responsible for proctoring the examinations. The proctor is responsible for monitoring student behavior during the test. If inappropriate behavior is observed, the proctor will take immediate corrective action and will report the incident to the School Director for review by the Student Progress Committee or referred to the MBKU Student Conduct Process, depending on the nature of the offense.

Sample Written Module Exam Schedule

Time Event Location
8:30am to 10:30 am Individual Assessment PA Classroom
10:30 to 12:30pm Group Assessment Breakout Rooms (Small Groups)
12pm to 1pm Student Lunch / Faculty Grading No contact with faculty involved with assessment
1pm Email notifications of P/F status
1pm to 2pm Assessment (Exam) Review All students requiring reassessment must attend the Assessment Review
2pm All students requiring reassessment must check in with course/module coordinator to discuss study plan, reassessment format, and time/date for reassessment.

Arrival Time for the Exam

Students are expected to arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled exam time.

This 10-minute window allows time to ensure that all students are seated appropriately for the exam, all students are provided with scrap paper and pens, and all computers are turned on prior to accessing the exam.

Students who arrive late for an assessment may not be permitted to take the exam, at the discretion of the instructor/proctor.

Absence from an Exam

The student is expected to notify the course instructor or the Director of Didactic Education or Assistant Director of Clinical Education as appropriate by phone or email if they must miss an exam or presentation due to illness or an unexpected emergency. If a student must miss an exam due to illness, a note from a medical provider who saw the student will be required within 24 hours of the exam day. In all other circumstances, a student must obtain permission from the course instructor and Didactic Director at least 1 -week in advance in order to miss an exam or oral presentation. A student-initiated request to miss an exam or presentation at least 1 week prior to the exam does not guarantee approval to miss the exam. Students with an unexcused absence are not permitted to take the assessment or to give the oral presentation at another time and will receive a failing grade for the assessment or presentation.

Student-Initiated Clarifications During Assessments

Faculty/proctors will not answer content-related questions from students during an assessment. If a student has an issue related to ExamSoft, PAEA's Surpass platform, or other technical issue they should raise a hand to notify the exam proctor.

Personal Property Permitted on or About Students During Assessments

Only the items clearly designated by the instructor (e.g. personal computer, water bottles disposable (no labels), or reusable bottles) are permitted at the desk.

Students may use earplugs (non-electronic), but headphones are not allowed.

Students may not wear a hat or hood during the exam.

During the group exam, only the group leader may have their computer in their possession. All other computers must be stored in the student’s individual locker or vehicle.

Cell phones, blankets, books, notebooks, writing utensils, papers, handouts, and class-related materials, as well as personal items such as watches, eyeglass cases, personal digital assistants (PDAs), calculators, iPods, coats, purses/wallets, and book bags, must be kept in the student’s individual locker or vehicle. These materials may not be retrieved until after both the individual and group assessments have been completed. ID badges and keys may be kept in the designated area only which is typically in the back of the classroom. They are not permitted at the student’s desk.

Scrap Paper and Pens

Scrap paper and pens/pencil will be provided by the exam proctor for use during the exam. Scrap paper must not leave the room during a break or at the end of the exam. All scrap paper and writing utensils must be turned in prior to exiting the exam.

Food and Drink

Water may be brought into the exam room in either a reusable bottle or in a plastic disposable bottle without a label. No food will be permitted in the exam.


Personal computers will be used in the individual assessment. During on-line testing, all other computer programs must be closed.

Didactic Phase Exams

Students must use Soft Test®, Examplify®, or other specified security testing systems as instructed to log onto the assessment. All sounds must be turned off.  

If for any reason a student’s computer freezes during the exam, it should be powered off by pressing and holding the power button and then turned back on. This should restart the exam and previous answers will not be lost.

Students are not permitted to download, photograph, or copy any part of an online test. Should a student do so, it is grounds for dismissal from the school.

Once testing is complete, the student should raise their hand and wait for the proctor to come to their desk prior to closing out of the exam. Once the green “Congratulations” screen appears and the proctor acknowledges that they have viewed this screen the student may close their computer and quietly remove it as they exit the testing room. Once the student has logged off the browser, the student will not be allowed to re-log on for the same exam. Students must depart from the room and immediate vicinity of the testing area to prevent noise disruption near the test area. Unless they are group leaders, students should immediately proceed to store their computers in their lockers or vehicles.

Cellular Phones and Other Communication Devices

Cellular phones, pagers, watches, and any other 2-way communication devices must not enter the exam room and should be placed in the student’s locker or car for the duration of the individual and group exams. A student having a cell phone in their possession during the assessment or the group assessment will forfeit their right to participate in the assessment and will receive no credit for the assessment.

Students should inform outside parties (e.g., partners, children, etc.) before an assessment that if there is an emergency during the assessment and they need to contact the student, they should call SPAS at 714-872-5685.

Seating During an Exam

If seating cards are used, students must sit where their seating card is placed.  All seating cards, when used, will be placed by the exam proctor. If no seating cards are used, students are expected to sit spaced apart and may be asked to move seats at the discretion of the proctor/instructor.

Communications and Breaks

Students may not communicate with anyone (with the exception of the instructor/proctor) within the room during the assessment. Students may not communicate or discuss any part of the exam with anyone within or outside of the group exam room prior to the group assessment.

Restroom breaks will not be permitted once the exam has started. Restroom breaks may be taken between the individual and group exams. During exams exceeding two and a half hours, a restroom break may be permitted as indicated by the proctor/faculty. Typically, these breaks (when permitted) occur between discrete exam sections. Faculty/proctors reserve the right to accompany any student who leaves the assessment room during the exam. Students who have not completed the exam are not permitted to communicate with students who have finished the exam.  

Students may not discuss the individual exam with any student or group member until the group exam has officially started.

Clinical Phase Exams

Didactic phase exam policies described above carry over to the clinical phase. During the clinical phase, students will typically use a PAEA platform called Surpass and Safe Exam Browser. All papers, preparation materials, and personal effects (including, but not limited to notes, textbooks, electronic devices, phones, calculators, purses, and translation devices) must be powered down and stowed away during exams. No items other than those provided are allowed to be used for any reason during exams. All other computer programs, applications, and web browsers must be closed before and during the exam. The PAEA platform will notify proctors with an alert if a student accesses any other material. Photos or screen captures of the exam are not permitted.

Talking is not permitted during the testing process.

Professional Conduct During Exams

Students are to do their own work during all individual exams. Unacceptable behaviors include giving aid to another student, receiving aid from another student, improper use of notes (including those placed on hands, arms, bills of hats, etc.), improper use of textbooks or computers, use of a cellphone or other communication device, interfering with another student’s work, or violation of any outlined student responsibilities, conduct codes, or policies. Any conduct violation may result in a failing grade on the exam and/or course and possible dismissal from the University.

Similar disciplinary action will be taken against any student who provides information about an exam to another student taking an exam at a later time.