Appendix E

Clinical Phase: EOR Exam Performance and Remediation Summary

First EOR Exam < 385

An informal meeting between the student and a faculty member (typically the student’s faculty advisor) will be convened. The student will earn an “incomplete” for the rotation and will be required to complete a remediation assignment. The student has seven days from the date of the meeting to complete the remediation assignment. Upon successful completion, the rotation grade will be changed to a “pass.” Any student who fails to complete the assignment within the allotted seven days will receive a failing grade for the clinical rotation and will meet with the Student Progress Committee for evaluation.

For students entering the clinical phase on Academic Warning, a level I SPC meeting will be convened at this stage (after the first failed EOR exam). The committee will develop an action plan that will include a remediation assignment. Other forms of support that may be included in the action plan are tutoring online learning resources, or other testing and learning aides. Upon successful completion of the action plan, the rotation grade will be changed from an "incomplete" to a "pass."

Second EOR Exam < 385

A Level I Academic Performance Review (SPC meeting) will be convened (refer to Academic Performance and Progression Policy). The student will earn an “incomplete” for the rotation. The committee will develop an action plan that will include a remediation assignment. Other forms of support that may be included in the action plan are tutoring online learning resources, or other testing and learning aides. Upon successful completion of the action plan, the rotation grade will be changed to a “pass.” Any student who fails to successfully complete the action plan within the designated timeframe will receive a failing grade for the clinical rotation and will meet with the Student Progress Committee for evaluation.

*For students entering the clinical phase on Academic Warning, a level II SPC meeting will be convened and extended learning with reassessment will be required at this stage (a second failed EOR exam constitutes a failed course/rotation). A student may remediate one rotation/course through extended learning during the clinical phase. Upon successful completion of the action plan and extended learning, the rotation grade will be changed to “FP” (student passed the course after failing using extended learning).

Third EOR Exam < 385

This constitutes a failed course/rotation. A Level II Academic Performance Review (SPC meeting) meeting between the student and the SPC II committee will be convened (refer to Academic Performance and Progression Policy). The student is required to complete extended learning with reassessment at a time designated by the SPC committee. A student may remediate one rotation/course through extended learning during the clinical phase. As outlined in the Academic Probation Policy, a student who is required to complete extended learning will be placed on Academic Warning. Upon successful completion of the action plan and extended learning, the rotation grade will be changed to “FP” (student passed the course after failing using extended learning).

*For students entering the clinical phase on Academic Warning, a third failed EOR exam or failed extended learning after the second failed EOR will constitute a failed course and academic dismissal is possible. A level III SPC meeting will be held at this stage (refer to the Academic Performance and Progression Policy). An action plan will be developed to address the failed course, which may include the requirement to repeat a rotation or academic dismissal.

Fourth EOR Exam < 385

Failed extended learning, failure to complete required remediation, or another failed EOR exam in any discipline after completing extended learning in the clinical phase: This constitutes a failed course and academic dismissal is possible. A Level III Academic Performance Review (SPC meeting) meeting will be convened (refer to Academic Performance and Progression Policy). An action plan will be developed to address the failed rotation (course), which may include the requirement to repeat a rotation or academic dismissal.

*Students entering the clinical phase on academic warning follow a tighter progression (as outlined in italics above) to identify deficits and implement supportive measures sooner. Students entering with Academic Warning status will begin with a Level I SPC meeting after the first failed EOR exam. A Level II SPC meeting will be convened with a second failed EOR exam and will result in a failed course/rotation. The student will be required to complete extended learning and upon successful completion, their grade will be changed to a “FP.” A Level III SPC meeting will be convened with the third failed EOR exam and academic dismissal is possible.