
Lecture Capture (Recordings)

MBKU uses a Lecture Capture (LC) system to record presentations and other content. LC can be a powerful tool in the learning process; it offers an opportunity to deliver course content in new ways and/or to make content available for students after class and to meet a variety of learning needs. Recordings are viewed as a study aid and should not be used in lieu of attending class.

LC technology is automatically scheduled to record course lectures in the classrooms. This policy is implemented to all Program courses. All invited/guest lecturers must be notified in advance that their lecture presentation may be captured. Recorded lectures are accessible via Moodle to students currently enrolled in the class. LC recordings associated with courses are stored for the entire quarter. Exceptions to this may be considered on a need basis.

Every effort is made to record each lecture, however, there may be occasions when a lecture does not record or is delayed in its publishing – for this reason we remind students this is a supplemental study tool and not to be used in lieu of attending class.

Lecture capture is permitted to be streamed and viewed by students currently enrolled in the class for which the recording was made. In all cases, duplication or redistribution by students is strictly prohibited. It is not permissible to download, record, share, or duplicate any lecture capture recording in part or whole. Unauthorized duplication or dissemination of lecture capture materials violates University policy and may result in disciplinary action. Students wishing to prepare summaries of LC material may do so provided they are not sold to others.

Student Recording Policy

SPAS frequently uses video recording technology to capture student performance during skills assessment or practice sessions. Student videos are an important and valuable part of the educational process. Students will be made aware of the recording before they begin the skill(s) session. Individual student recordings are not accessible to other students. Recordings are primarily used to offer students the opportunity to watch their own sessions, self-evaluate, and learn. It also helps faculty guide students during remediation if needed and ensure accurate grading. On occasion, a faculty member may wish to share an exceptionally good video with the class or specific students for educational purposes. This is permittable only after obtaining the expressed consent of the student in advance. Student videos are never shared to illustrate poor performance. On occasion, students may be paired with one classmate and asked to watch their classmate's video and provide feedback to each other for learning purposes.

Students who do not pass an exam and believe the grading was inaccurate may submit a "video review request" form within 3 business days of receiving their score/video via email to the faculty grader and the Director of Didactic Education. The request must include the time stamp within the video where they believe the grading error occurred. The faculty grader has 5 business days to determine if a change in score is warranted and respond to the student. Their decision is final. A student with a passing score is not permitted to submit a "video review request."