Remediation Policy

Remediation is defined as the rectification of an academic deficiency at the completion of a course. Every effort will be made to give each student ample opportunity to demonstrate competency in each area of the academic program.

This policy defines steps to follow when a student demonstrates course failure in a non-experiential course. Course failure is defined as unsatisfactory overall performance (e.g., earns an overall course grade of less than a C, or a NP, or a Fail). For IPPEs and APPEs, remediation opportunities will be based on availability of rotation sites.

Remediation is to be regarded as a privilege which must be earned by a student through active participation in the educational program, as demonstrated by regular attendance, individual initiative, utilization of resources, and compliance with IPASS policy. Decisions regarding remediation will be made on an individual basis after considering all pertinent circumstances in each case. The decision will be made by the APPC. The Committee will base its recommendation on the student's academic records and considerations after consultation with the student's faculty advisor, Course Coordinator, or the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, and the student.

Note: This policy recognizes that remediation may not be equally appropriate for all students and may not be recommended by the APPC for all students. For example, remediation may not be available in situations where the Course Coordinator, in consultation with the APPC, determines that remediation is not in the student’s best interest.

  1. Any grades of “F” should be remediated in the subsequent quarter. The specific timeframe for course remediation will be under the purview of the Course Coordinator.
  2. Within two weeks after remediation has been granted by the APPC, the Course Coordinator and student will develop a written remediation plan.
  3. The written remediation plan should contain in detail the following elements:
    1. The number of times or hours the student is required to meet with a specified faculty member(s).
    2. Assignments and activities the student must complete (e.g. examinations, presentations, and reports).
    3. Assessments the student must complete. The assessment(s) can vary and may include an examination targeted to specific content areas and learning objectives, a cumulative evaluation, a project, report, or presentation, and/or a performance assessment.
    4. Deadlines for completion of assignments and assessments.
    5. Performance criteria on assignments/activities/assessments necessary to change the unsatisfactory performance grade to a satisfactory performance grade.
    6. How the student and instructor of record, Course Coordinator, or faculty members will be notified of remediation work progress and performance.
  4. Students must sign to acknowledge receipt of the remediation plan. The written and signed remediation plan is then filed with the Office of Academic Affairs.
  5. If the student fails to meet the performance criteria for successful remediation the original course grade will remain.