Progression Appeal Process

Following notification of a decision from the APPC, a student may wish to appeal the decision. They have three (3) business days within which to submit a formal written appeal of the decision to the COP Dean. The type-written appeal request must be submitted and delivered to the Office of the Dean within this three-day period. The request should be accompanied by a type-written narrative explaining the basis for the appeal. The narrative should fully explain the student's situation and substantiate the reason(s) for advocating a reversal of the prior decision by the APPC. The Dean will notify the student in writing of the appeal decision within five (5) business days of receiving the formal written appeal. The decision of the Dean shall be final.

The Dean may grant an appeal only on basis of at least one of the following:

  1. Bias of one or more of the members of the APPC.
  2. New material documenting information that was not available to the Committee at the time of its initial decision.
  3. Procedural error.

While the appeal is pending, the status of the student will not be altered, and students are expected to continue attending classes.