Grade Appeals

Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure (Didactic Courses)

Protocol for Appealing a Grade

At some time in their academic career, a student may question how they were graded on an exam, in an academic course, or in a clinical service or course. All Course Coordinators are expected to publish their grading criteria at the beginning of their course and to notify students if there are changes during the course. If students are unsure of how their grade was determined, they should follow this protocol for reconsideration of the disputed grade:

  • In the case of an exam or course grade the student needs to do all of the following:
    • Within two business days of grade posting, first, speak with the Course Coordinator and ask to review the examination/course grade.
    • If the student feels their answer(s) were correct but not accepted by the Course Coordinator or the course grade is incorrect after this review, the student may file a written appeal with the Course Coordinator, within two business days, documenting why their answer(s) were correct or course grade is incorrect.
    • If the student still is not satisfied with the response from the Course Coordinator, the student should appeal in writing to the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs within two business days. The Executive Associate Dean may only review appeals for potential policy violations.
    • If the student is not satisfied with the response from the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, they may appeal to the Dean within two business days. The Dean will make the final decision on the appeal.

All appeals of disputed grades must include documentation supporting the appeal. This may include, but not be limited to, class notes/power point presentations, literary citations on the topic in question, published grading criteria for the course in question, and witnesses supporting the student’s appeal. If the grading criteria included attendance and/or the taking of examinations on time, and the student wishes to appeal a grade due to an absence, the student must document that they followed college policy on reporting the absence prior to the examination, for the appeal to be considered.

Grade Appeal Policy and Procedure (Experiential Education)

  1. Appeals must be raised within two business days after the posting of the grade.
    • Contact the Associate Dean of Clinical Affairs and Community Outreach in writing detailing the aspects of the evaluation under dispute.
    • The site preceptor will be contacted by the OEE regarding the grade appeal.
  2. A meeting will be scheduled with the OEE within two business days.
    • If not satisfied with the decision of the OEE, a meeting with the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, who will hear the appeal, will be scheduled, within two business days.
    • Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will render their decision within two business days.
    • If self and midterm evaluation is not completed with the preceptor, the student will not be able to appeal their grade.

A student will have a final recourse (within two business days) to appeal to the Dean of the College following the decision rendered by the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The decision of the Dean is final.

Unresolved Grade Disputes

All course instructors are expected to publish their grading criteria at the beginning of the course and to notify students if there are changes during the course. A student with a grade dispute should seek satisfactory settlement with the instructor teaching the course. If this is not successful, they may follow the Student Grievance Procedures listed in the University Student Handbook.