Leadership Development Certificate Program

The MBKU Leadership Development Certificate program is for students who have a desire to make a positive difference in their University, program, community, and profession through leadership. Students learn to lead with integrity through a program that combines academic and experiential learning which prepares them to become engaged and influential members of their future communities.

The application process is open to all MBKU students interested in exploring and developing their leadership skills. Students email StudentAffairs@Ketchum.edu to request enrollment into the Certificate program. The “Leadership Development Certificate Program” Moodle course is used to keep track of program requirement completion and other information. Students who have fulfilled all program requirements are awarded with a Leadership Certificate at their graduation awards program and presented with a Leadership Medal to wear at commencement. In addition, students will be presented with a lapel pin that they can wear on their White Coats.

Program Overview

The program begins with the annual MBKU Leadership Summit held during the winter quarter which explores leadership principles and ideas, as well as basic theories and models of leadership. Students gain awareness and clarification of their personal styles, strengths, and challenges as a leader and begin to develop their own definition of leadership. This includes acquiring concrete skills, such as time management and communication.

The focus then shifts beyond the individual to being part of a team and learning to recognize and strengthen the dynamics within the group. Leadership positions, selective work-study roles, and community service projects are a part of this experience.

Throughout the remaining time in their academic program at MBKU, these students will continue to attend regular seminars and meetings, participate in leadership and service opportunities, and grow and develop as leaders. Students continue to complete program requirements throughout their time on campus.


There is no formal application process for this program - students may join the program at any time. To be eligible to participate, students must be in good academic standing with a "Pass" standing or GPA of 2.75 or higher. All requirements are submitted through the Moodle course.

Interested students may begin completing requirements at any time. Email StudentAffairs@ketchum.edu for enrollment in the Moodle course, which is used to submit and track requirements. All requirements are submitted through the Moodle course. All assignments must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to the student's commencement ceremony.