Career Readiness Microcredential

The MBKU Career Readiness Microcredential is designed for students who want to make targeted professional development efforts in several different competency areas. Students progress through Career Readiness assignments that combine short lectures, self-reflection, and experiential learning opportunities which prepare them for the transition from graduate student to an engaged and influential member of their field.

The Career Readiness Microcredential is open to any interested MBKU student looking to prepare for post-graduate professional life. Students who have completed all assignments are awarded a certificate of completion and presented with a Career Readiness lapel pin to wear on their White Coats.

The program is designed to:

  1. Stress the importance of professional affiliations and networking skills to build a strong professional foundation.
  2. Teach and strengthen a variety of “soft” skills including professional branding, negotiating, interviewing, networking, and communication.
  3. Practice professional etiquette and networking skills with classmates and future colleagues.
  4. Encourage structured time to craft and refine documents/tools for the residency and/or professional job search process (e.g., resume, cover letter, social media accounts).
  5. Foster personal and professional development by helping students identify and strengthen those skills which will support their success in their chosen field.


There is no formal application process for this program - students may join the program at any time. To be eligible to participate, students must be in good academic standing with a "Pass" standing or GPA of 2.75 or higher. All requirements are submitted through the Moodle course.

Interested students may begin completing requirements at any time. Email for enrollment in the Moodle course, which is used to submit and track requirements. All assignments must be completed at least 8 weeks prior to the student’s commencement ceremony.