
Marshall B. Ketchum University expects regular attendance at all lectures, laboratory, and clinic sessions to which the student is assigned. Each program determines the specific attendance policy and procedures (see Program Student Handbook). The record of attendance is the responsibility of each individual instructor. Permission to be absent must be obtained from the Dean/Director of the program or the Program designee. Instructors are not obligated to provide special consideration in the case of unexcused absences. Repeated unexcused absences may result in a student being placed on professional probation. In addition, students wishing to participate in off-campus meetings during the academic year must receive academic approval from the Dean/Director and may not be on academic probation.

The academic credits at MBKU are described in terms of quarter credit hours. One credit hour represents one hour per week in the classroom during a 10-week quarter, two hours per week devoted to the laboratory, or four hours per week of clinical work or equivalent contact hours.

Examinations are held in each course and are required of all students taking the course. All students must take all examinations, including final examinations, at the assigned time, unless prior arrangements have been approved by the Instructor of Record. Each Program determines the procedures for reporting if a student must miss an exam because of an emergency (see Program Student Handbook). All missed exams must be made up as specified by the Program. Course grades are assigned by the instructor of record.

Occasionally students may need to miss scheduled assignments due to special circumstances or minor illnesses. This type of time off request is reported to the student's Program through their procedures, which may be found in the respective Program Student Handbook/course syllabus. Specific request procedures/forms vary by Program. Make up for time-missed assignments/examinations will be at the discretion of the course Instructor.

The amount of time away from both the didactic and clinic portions of the curriculum varies by Program. The Dean/Director, in consultation with the appropriate faculty, will evaluate student absences on an individual basis. Decisions regarding the necessity for an extended absence will depend upon the quantity and quality of material missed during the absence.