Academic Integrity
Academic integrity is simply defined as honest work. As aspiring health care providers, you have already made a commitment to upholding yourself to high standards. As a student practitioner, you will take a student oath and commit yourself to your profession and future patients. Honest academic work is essential to quality patient care. Academic integrity maintains the high value in the educational process and ultimately to your degree and professional license.
Faculty shall work to enhance a culture of academic integrity at the University. Faculty members shall state in their course syllabus that the course will adhere to this Academic Integrity Policy and the Student Conduct.
Course instructors may choose to address academic integrity as it applies to their course components, such as homework, written assignments, lab work, group projects, quizzes, and exams. Course instructors shall decide which course components will use an honor code commitment. For those course components, the course instructor shall provide the opportunity for students to sign an affirmative honor code commitment. The honor code commitment shall include one of the following statements and may be expanded according to instructor, department, or college practices and policies:
Honor Code Commitment
I have not given and will not give, receive, or use any unauthorized assistance. I will hold myself and others accountable for upholding this commitment.
Academic misconduct (see Student Conduct) undermines the educational experience at MBKU, reduces confidence in the quality of education, and negatively affects the faculty-student relationship.
Faculty/Instructors are expected to use reasonably practical means of preventing and detecting academic misconduct.
Any student found responsible for having engaged in academic misconduct will be subject to academic penalty and/or University disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
Students are encouraged to positively impact the academic integrity culture of MBKU by reporting incidents of academic misconduct.
Instructors shall follow the following procedures when they feel academic misconduct has occurred:
- If faculty members have evidence that a student has engaged in an act of academic misconduct in their course, prior to assigning any academic penalty, the course instructor shall notify the student of the concern and include the college’s Conduct Officer. The program Conduct Officer shall follow the procedures outlined in the Student Conduct chapter of the University Student Handbook.