Criminal Background Check & Drug Screening
The practice of performing a criminal history check helps protect the safety, health, and professional comfort of the University community and patients, and it allows schools to ensure that students are able to complete their studies. Criminal background checks and drug screening are standard practices for many health care facilities. It is therefore the policy of COP at MBKU to conduct a criminal history check for every applicant who is admitted to the program.
Enrolled COP Students
- All students in the Program will be required to undergo a criminal history check each year.
- Some pharmacy practice sites may also require additional or alternate background screening in order to meet a specific timeline and/or satisfy state or federal laws. As a result of this, affected students may be required to complete further checks as part of their rotation compliance.
- Fees for the background checks must be remitted by the student directly to the agency performing the screening. This fee is non-refundable.
- Students are required to provide practice experience sites with a copy of their criminal history check results upon request by the practice site.
- If at any point during enrollment, a student is charged with or convicted of any criminal act that may or may not have been on a previous criminal background check, that student should contact the Director of Admissions and Student Services immediately to self-disclose. Failure to self-disclose could lead to further academic sanctions including dismissal.
- If a student’s criminal history check reveals serious offenses, the APPC may refer the student to further sanctions including dismissal.
- Pharmacy practice experience sites have the discretion to deny a request for a student to be placed at that site based on the results of a criminal history check. The student shall provide the background check and his or her explanatory statement to the facility upon request.