Faculty Advisors

Academic advising in the COP is guided by the University and College mission statements that call for excellence in leadership, integrity, innovation, compassion, and respect. The values speak to developmental theory, community engagement, and global awareness. Expectations and responsibilities are further discussed in the MBKU COP Faculty Advising Handbook. Faculty Advisors remain constant for all four years. Faculty Advisors should communicate a foreseen extended absence to students and the Office of Academic Affairs to ensure continuous advising. Students are directed to consult with the Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in case of an extended absence of a faculty advisor and will be referred as appropriate.

Mission of Faculty Advising for the College of Pharmacy

Advising focuses on developing and supporting the pursuit of patient-centric pharmacy care. Our mission begins with faculty committed to lifelong learning and a passion to provide mentorship for aspiring professionals. The fundamental goal is to help student pharmacists flourish both academically and professionally. Faculty advisors will demonstrate effective leadership, provide motivation, identify strategies to overcome obstacles and recognize the need for additional resources. Faculty advisors recognize and support collaborative efforts to assist student pharmacists in achieving success. The sharing of invaluable professional knowledge is critical to achieving the mission of COP advising.

MBKU COP Collaborative Commitment to Advising

The COP faculty, staff, and administration share a responsibility in providing information that is accurate, consistent, and relevant to student pharmacists. COP ensures that advising is supported with updated information, tools, resources, and training necessary to carry out successful student-centered advisement. This includes timely responses to referral requests and concerns.