Classroom Behavior & Professional Standards of Dress

The classroom instructor, through their individual course syllabus, is responsible for outlining and managing the expected conduct of students in exercising classroom discipline, subject to accepted departmental, college, and University standards and practices.

MBKU policy only permits enrolled students, persons authorized by the instructor, and administrative personnel to be admitted to instructional areas during scheduled periods. MBKU policy prohibits all forms of disruptive or obstructive behavior in academic areas during periods of scheduled use or any actions which would disrupt scheduled academic activity.

Any person or persons in unauthorized attendance or causing a disturbance during scheduled academic activity shall be identified by the instructor and asked to leave and may be subject to disciplinary action. Persons refusing such a request may be removed by MBKU Campus Safety and Security and are subject to disciplinary action and/or criminal violations.

Use of classrooms and other areas of academic buildings during nonscheduled periods is permitted only in accordance with Program and University policy and practices.

In addition to academic standards and standards of conduct, MBKU has a significantly higher standard of dress expected and required than what most students may have encountered during undergraduate studies. The student intern is not only surrounded by fellow students, but also by future colleagues in the health professions and the community at large.

Students should conduct themselves in a manner befitting a health care professional. MBKU is an academic health care institution, and as such, it is expected that its students display a mature professional demeanor and observe an appropriate level of judgment regarding personal hygiene, grooming and dress. It is important to dress in a manner that is respectful to professors, classmates, staff, and campus and clinic visitors.

Individual Programs and instructors may elect to have more rigorous dress code requirements for certain classes (e.g., patient care-related laboratory proficiencies/clinical skills). If an instructor feels dress is inappropriate, action may be taken at their discretion. For details, please reference the respective Program Student Handbook, or classroom syllabus.